Kiyoharu Inoue is Nihonga painter.
Nihonga is traditional Japanese painting using powdered mineral pigments applied
with sumi ink outlines on top of Japanese paper. Kiyoharu himself speaks.
"I am a painter. So I draw anything. The picture must be
beautiful. The painting must be so detailed, beautiful and powerful that you can see
it with your face very close to it. I think that such works should be called genuine Japanese paintings. I will continue to draw any beautiful picture."
Pseudonym: Kiyoharu Inoue Real name: Hideki Inoue
Born in Kokura-ku, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture in 1941.
1967 Completed graduate school at Tokyo University of the Arts. Selected for the first time at Nihon Bijutsuin while attending school. He becomes a "graduate friend" of the Nihon Bijutsu in 1978. Appointed Managing Director of Nifu Exhibition
Held a solo exhibition at "Yokohama Sogo" in 1989. Held every year until 1992.
1994 Held a solo exhibition at "Takekodo Gallery" in Hiroshima City Held a solo exhibition at
"Tokyu Nihonbashi Store" and "Daimaru Tokyo Store".
1997 Held a solo exhibition at "Sogo Kokura Store" in Kitakyushu City. Dedicated "Hoheiden-zu"
to Hikosan Jingu Shrine in Fukuoka Prefecture.
1998 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs purchased the picture "Northern Morning" depicting Mt. Shari, Hokkaido.
Since 2003, he has held solo exhibitions at Takashimaya in Nihonbashi, Yokohama, Shinjuku, Fukuoka, Osaka, and Nagoya.
2005 Held a solo exhibition at Takashimaya Matsuyama. Japanese painting classes are held at Shiyokai and Kisaragikai.
Since then, he has held solo exhibitions in various parts of the country and also holds a Japanese painting class.